(Mason of the Moons) vs (Michaelwh6)
(Sylvan) vs. (Six Samurai)
Result of the Duel: Testee won: 2-0 (10/10), 2-1 (6/10),
Testee lost: 1-2 (4/10),
0-2 (0/10)Deck Rating Total: 26/55
Main Deck Structure: 14/20
Main Deck Flow: 9/15
Side Deck: 0/10
Extra Deck: 3/10
Match Performance Total: 15/35
Use of Cards: 5/10 -
Concentration: 7/10 -
Control of the Duel: 3/10 -
Siding Skills: 0/5 -
Final Score: 41--Welcome to Slifer Red!